Sunday, December 6, 2009

Expanding The Realm Of Acoustic Rapidshare How Could An Emperor Lose The Mandate Of Heaven?

How could an emperor lose the Mandate of Heaven? - expanding the realm of acoustic rapidshare

How could an emperor lost the Mandate of Heaven?

A. The refusal to extend the rule
B. The elimination of the nomadic warriors
C. Making too weak to defend his kingdom
D. The concentration of power in the hands of the army


~Point E~ said...

C is weak to defend their empire. The mandate of heaven is a document, which means that whoever has it basiclly the official head of all. The answer is C, because if someone is able to capture his kingdom among them, should not the mandate of heaven.

★ said...

I would say C.

David W said...

99% of that
I have the AP World History

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